01 March 2025
From 1 March it will be known which starting group you have been assigned to.
When you log in to your account you can not only see which starting group you have, but there is also the possibility to swap starting groups with each other.
We would like to point out that it is only possible to swap with someone who also has a card and therefore has an account with us. Swapping cards can take place after you have logged in to your account via the designated button. This offers the opportunity to get a more favourable starting time for you.
You exchange your starting group individually, any linked persons do not automatically go along!
If you want to exchange the card, you can do so with someone who knows you and wants to exchange his/her card with you or you can use the 'supply and demand' option.
Swapping, buying and selling is possible until Tuesday 22 April 2025 24:00.
After that, the cards go to the printer and are sent two or three weeks before the start of the tour.